The IT-challenged one is FINALLY writing her first entry... in this blog that is more than just about food, really. For beneath the surface of penning (or typing, rather) down the little adventures that tantalise our tastebuds (whether or not we end up finding the places in the end!), lies the laying down of memories of times spent with good friends. Afterall, more important than good food, is good company :o)
So, it was a Saturday afternoon when we were to meet for lunch after I was done with work, and after running around like a headless chicken most of the morning, I sure was hungry. A certain other person who was 3/4 of her wisdom short, and is finally back on a normal solid diet, was craving for rice. So we drove rather aimlessly for a start, and landed up at Marina Square. There, we scrutinised the mall directory, and decided on Dian Xiao Er, well known for their herbal roasted duck.
Three thumbs up! (one for each dish lah...)
Marina Square, Level 2
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